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Analysis of Railway Transportation — Grain TRAFFIC Agro-Trader.com5 февраля 2020 г., 14:00

In January 2020 wheat transportation by rail for export amounted to 816.821 thousand tons,  including domestic deliveries to southern ports with subsequent export clearance, down 24.5% from December 2019 and 22.7% lower than in January 2019, the agn. Grain On-Line reported.

In January, Central Chernozem Region increased volumes by 5.7% compared to December and became the leading region in export shipments. In The Ural Economic Region the export situation was also good, the increase reached 154%. Even in the northwest areas wheat exports jumped by 41%.

All other export regions were in the red. The reduction of shipments in North Caucasus reached 33.4%, Volga Region — 45%, Central Region — 45%, Western Siberia —52.3%.

In Central Chernozem Region, the share of Kursk Region increased from 50% in December to almost 63%. Voronezh Region accounted for 13%, and Lipetsk Region — 12.8%. Tambov Region — the leading region of previous months — slipped to 4.4%.

In January, Russian wheat was exported by rail to 15 foreign countries compared with 18 countries in December. Amid an overall drop in shipments, Egypt's share rose from 57.6% in December to 68.5% in January. Turkey’s share was 7.3%, Azerbaijan — 7.2%.

To fulfill obligations to such country as Egypt, in January wheat was provided from 25 Russian regions, the same as in December, mostly by Central Chernozem Region and the Central regions (49.6%), also by the North Caucasus (31.8%) and Volga Region (16.5%).

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