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Reconstruction and Restoration of buildings in the Naftalan Wellness Center.

Нафталан Азизали Гасанов6 августа 2020 г., 9:09
Reconstruction and Restoration of buildings in the Naftalan Wellness Center.

Reconstruction and Restoration of buildings in the Naftalan Wellness Center.

Azeicg llc carries out a full cycle of construction, reconstruction and restoration of the building in the naftalan health center, design of treatment rooms, installation, installation and commissioning of the technology and equipment of naphthalan white baths, a sterilization unit for reuse of refined products of naphthalan oil (white) naphthalan oil-free or naphthalan oil and treatment programs is ready to order reconstruct the old building under the naphthalan sanatorium, clinics, design rooms, produce manufacture of equipment and installations for naphthalan white baths for naphthalan therapy.
this type of product contains a high percentage of naphthenic hydrocarbons, sterans, compounds that are similar to steroid hormones and pro-vitamin D. Our company azeicg has developed for the first time in the history of naphthalan therapy equipment for sterilizing naphthalan (white) tarless when reused in a balneological bath and during other methods for treating applications, etc.

Менеджер: Азизали Гасанов
Просмотров: 411
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